Married To a Police Officer

Drew & I have been married for three years, for most of our relationship (dating, engaged, and married) Drew has been a police officer. Though there is much more to being a Police Officer's partner then these five things, these are five things I wish I knew about being a Police Officer's wife. Not because I wouldn't have married him (no way) but because I feel like it took me a long time to learn how to be there for him. 

1. Being in Public with a Police Officer
At all times Drew’s senses are very high. He is always looking around us. When we sit at a restaurant Drew has to be in the best spot to be protected and to see all the doors. One thing that really took time to get used to, was when he said it was time to leave, it was time to leave. He had seen someone he had arrested and didn’t want them to see him or me. The first few times this happened, I would get frustrated because I wasn’t done shopping or hanging out. But when I try to argue with him, that obviously draws attention to us and could potentially create a problem. When your police officer husband says it’s time to go, trust him that he is looking out for your safety

2. The Truth About Night Shift
Night shift is not all mad. When Drew is on night shift we don’t see each other as much, but I do get some nights all to myself. I can go have girl nights, take long bubble baths, and watch all the romantic movies I want to. Drew actually prefers night shifts, he likes the action that comes during those hours. Because we don’t see each other for long periods of time when Drew is on a night shift, the times we do get together is really special to both of us.

[I might do a blog post on "Ideas For You When Your Husband is On Night Shift", let me know if you would be interested in the comments below]

3. Respect When He Doesn’t Want to Talk
When Drew & I first got married, we talked about how there will be some days he doesn’t want to talk about what he did that day. Police officers see a side of the world that a lot of us never see. Police Officers experience things that most of us would never want to experience. There are some events that Drew had not told me about until a year or so later. As a Police Officer, you are not only protecting your community, you are protecting your family. Protecting me to Drew looks like, not giving me a reason to be anxious every time he suits up. It’s not 100% necessary for me to know what he had to do that day, and he knows what I can and can’t handle. I have placed my trust in him that he will know what I need to hear and what I don’t need to hear.

4.Embrace the Dark Humor
Most of my friends don’t get Drew’s humor. A lot of them roll their eyes or look at me as if I should slap him on the hand and say “No, sir we don’t say that.” Dark Humor is how a lot of people in jobs, that see death and chaos, cope with what they have seen. Drew will always see the world differently than I do. I have found that through humor I am able to connect to see more through his eyes
5. Let The Man Take The Gun
As a Police Officer’s wife, I no longer feel safe when I know a gun is not on my husband. At first, I felt weird about Drew having a gun on him at all times, but without it, he feels naked and unsafe. But now when we are going somewhere I always watch to make sure he is getting his gun. If something were to happen, I know Drew would protect me and everyone that is with us. Trust him, he has better judgment then you do when it comes to this. 


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